Friday, June 18, 2010

Final Challenge.

If this is your first BBBC... What did you get out of your experience? Do you think it will change the way you blog in the future?

So this is the last challenge of the Big Bad Blogger Challenge 2010. I'm glad to say I kept up with my posting and completed each of the challenge topics.

Alright so...what did I get out of this experience? Well, for one, I realized how uninteresting I truly am XP However, even though I didn't really have anything of importance or even anything witty/interesting to say most of the week, it was nice to check my Google Reader and see a challenge post waiting for me. It made me think throughout the day what I would be blogging about.

I don't think this will really change how I blog in the future because I didn't really step out of my comfort zone - but that's probably my own fault. I may have held back since this was my first challenge. All the more to look forward to next year though, no? I think I will try and continue blogging every day. Maybe I'll make up my own little challenge - Life in Verona: 7 days a week - always on. ...actually no, that sounded more like a commercial for a news station, so scratch that. Point is, I'm gonna try to keep up my blogging, even if no one ever comments or even reads my posts - at least it gives me an outlet.

So I'll see ya next year, BBBC!

Oh, and I was going to post a picture, but since I downloaded the new beta release of Emerald viewer, I have been glitching like crazy. Right now I'm a floating head with bracelets hair and feet and when that's not enough to drive me crazy, I rebake and all my clothes come off. No joke. I stand there completely nude until I rebake again...and then it's back to no-body-Verona (no pun intended, I literally mean no body..>_>)

Oh well.