Thursday, June 17, 2010

BBBC #5 - Unrestricted

So today's topic is to simply write about whatever we feel like. When I read the challenge the first time, I panicked a little - I had no idea what I was going to write about and quite honestly, didn't feel like blogging today at all. Meh.

So I'm gonna take a little tip from the BBBC creator's blog and just do a list sort of dealio for today's post of whatever comes to mind. And maybe I'll stick some random pictures in that I've had in my folder to blog for a bit since I haven't posted anything lately.

So (I wonder how many paragraphs I can begin with "So" in this post), let's get right down to it. Here's what's on my mind:
  • My computer is awful slow as of late. I think I need to just wipe my hard drive and start anew.
  • SL just crashed because the "region was experiencing some trouble" BAH
  • I'm really, really tired. I've been going and going and going like the energizer bunny lately. Tomorrow, I plan on staying in my PJs all day and watching movies and laying on the couch with my two pups. I have no intentions of turning on my phone or even getting on SL (...but I know I will at some point, at least the second part of that statement)
  • I wish my blog was more interesting. I've been reading some other posts from bloggers in the challenge and I have to say, bravo you guys - your stuff is fun, interesting, exciting, thought intriguing, and all that good stuff.
  • I hired a new model today at Favole. Makes me feel good to have responsibility again in SL. I like having a purpose.
  • I got a much better grade on the exam I took today than I thought I would. Go me!
  • It's a good thing this blog is called "Life in Verona" and really is all about me, otherwise I'd sound pretty egotistical with all these "I"'s everywhere in this post.
  • I have a paper to write.
  • I, I, I, I. ....just thought I'd throw in a few extra I's for good measure.
  • Talking with old friends makes me really happy. I hope it continues.
  • I keep typing things, then backspacing them. I guess I'll end this list now.

I'm not in a very good mood today :<

Oh, and I don't feel like fixing up all those pictures I was talking about, so I'll just give you one for today.

I'm feeling very cloudy and bleh today. Thus, the sepia tone with blur. My avatar is so boring, I swear. I always wear the same damn horns, the same skin, same hair, and the same colors. I think maybe I'll go shopping tonight to find something new and interesting. I like getting into character sometimes.
