Sunday, June 13, 2010

BBBC 2010, Here goes nothin'!

So I've decide to take part in the Ch'Know sponsored blog..thing..called the Big Bad Blogger Challenge 2010! I heard about it last year, but too late to join and at the time, I had quit blogging for a bit, but now I'm back in action and ready to roll :)

Let's just hope I actually stick to it.

Anyway, you can read all about it here if you'd like to join - all you have to do is comment on the post with your blog URL and make sure you do the posts! Simple.

So today's topic is "Why did yo become a blogger? How has it enriched your life?" let's see. Well, if we're just keeping this to SL, I set this account up a year or so ago and I did a little blogging here and there, but got easily bored. Just recently, however, I started blogging again on this account because I've become a little more active in SL as of late. At first, I wanted this blog to just be daily "adventures" and explorations in my SLife, but it quickly turned to daily rants and fashion-related posts. This was mostly due to the fact that my great friend, Themi, started up her shop (Favole) so I wanted to show off her goods.

I try to still blog about my favorite or interesting spots that I come across while in-world, but it's been hard to keep the material exciting. So pretty much, I just blog about whatever now.

So after that long rant, my final answer (to the first question anyway)...I became a blogger because I thought it would give me something to do. It would be an outlet of expression for any topic, cause yknow, sometimes I blend RL into this blog. I just wanted a place outside of my RL blog to write.
And this leads into the next question, "how has it enriched my life?" Like I said, I now have a place that I can come to just to write whatever I feel like. With my RL blog, I find that I am more hesitant to be open, but when I'm blogging here, I feel comfortable and because I really don't have that many readers, I'm not concerned about offending anyone, posting crappy pictures or what have you. So in sum, it has helped me to "vent" whatever I'm feeling without restraints. Not exactly enriching, I guess, but somewhat therapeutic maybe?


BBBC Day 1: completed. I'll come back later and add a picture or two so it's not so drab :)

Hope everyone is having a great day - it's hot as heck here. I want to go biking in the park, but I'd probably keel over from heat stroke XP