Thursday, July 1, 2010

Maybe I'm the only one...

But I definitely get lost every time I visit the LeLutka sims, which mind you, is not very often.

I'll get to the point of this post in just a few minutes, but first, I would like to explain. I know all you fashionistas love your LeLutka, Glam Affair, Emery, whatever, blah blah, whatever, and don't get me wrong, all these stores are fab...but I'm just not use to shopping at these places.
You see, I was never a linden-buying mass consumer until recently (and I still wouldn't say that I'm a mass consumer). I came into SL after seeing it featured on The Office (which by the way...did you hear?! Steve Carell, aka Michael Scott, is leaving the show *sob*) and I just thought I would play it for a day or two and then uninstall it - boy was I wrong.
After getting pretty involved in SL, I told myself that I would not put money into this "game". I know just how much some of my friends and family members put into games and it drives me absolutely nuts. I guess I would buy more stuff if SL, for me, wasn't just dress-up-my-virtual-barbie time...heck, maybe I'd even create if I thought I would be any good at it.
Anyway, I have never been really familiar with these big-name brands because I was use to buying the cheaper things or having to save up tips from my former hosting gigs for a few items that were on my wish list for some time.
Now, it's like learning how to shop all over again. I had my select favorite stores back then, and some are still my faves (can you say Bare Rose and Kin? Cheap and good quality, sa-wheet!), but now a whole new area of fashion has opened up. Though, if I see something I want, I add it to my "Need to Buy" notecard and if I still want it in a week or so, I'll just cave and buy some lindens and get the damn outfit. I find this cuts down on how much I spend.
And I know what you're all thinking, "wtf? the exchange rate is like 250L to a US dollar, why are you being such a cheap-ass?" I'm just very conservative when it comes to spending - in both worlds. I have to think about every purchase I make. In SL, I demo, compare, re-demo, narrow down, demo again, and then make my selection. In RL, I research, compare, test it out/try it on...several times, then make my decision.

WOW. Big wall o' text there. I find when I start typing, I just can't stop and I blab on in hopes of explaining myself....shit, I'm doing it again.


Oh, so I forgot to get back to the *original* point of this post.
I was going to go shopping at LeLutka tonight for a blazer, but I could not for the life of me figure out where I was, even with the map (see above). I blame this partly on the fact that I had not yet rezzed. Of course, as soon as I snapped a quick photo, I looked to the left of the frame and WAHBAM! There was the Apparel section I was looking for *facepalm*
Psst, that cute "Tigur" that I'm holding is from [kue]. I'm all about adorable things you can hold in SL.

In any case, I'm exhausted - it's nearly 2AM and intead of shopping, I decided to write this post. Oops, my avi is still looking clueless, standing in the middle of the store >_>
Maybe tomorrow.

P.S.: I hope this post even made sense. I'm running on empty tonight so forgive my nonsense x_X