Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello out there!

I just wanted to let you (and again, I say that loosely as I'm pretty confident no one actually reads this xD) know that I will be blogging for the Favole Fashion blog starting very soon! The creator is an old friend of mine named Themis Enzo. I've known her since I was a wee noob workin' Club Mutation next to the old Sn@tch Mainstore. Ah...those were the days.

Anyway! Here is the link:
You can check back in a few days and I will have posted the new releases - and since the store is brand spanking new, you might see a lot of posts :)So I know, I know. You're wondering what the hell she sells. Well! Anything from shoes, accessories, wings, collars, you name it. Favole is for the "dark diva in you". You can check out my picks for a landmark or just go here.

Now on to some samples. (and no, these are not her ads pictured below, I just took shots real quick)
First up, Castor wrist cuffs. I love these! One comes with really neat feather detailing on the back and the other is more simple - the contrast is really great between the two.

Next up, the brand new Arachnia boots. Just a head's up - these are the latest GROUP GIFT *ducks as all the freebie finders run for the group*. You can find the group in my profile or by going to search and using the keyword: ::{Favole}::

As always, click for larger sizes on both of these. I'm sorry my photo skillz aren't so great!

Anddd now I need to take my dogs out so I'll wrap it up here. See these and the rest of the goodies at Themi's mainstore!

TP to ::{Favole}::