Monday, May 3, 2010


New friends. Old friends. Everyone coming together just when I need it most.

Yesterday, I had written a blog spot all about my current woes, then deleted it. I, instead, simply posted a picture. I don't want this blog to turn into some mopey thing because really, no one wants to read that, I know.
So today, today was a good day. I woke up and told myself I would make it a good day and it worked. Even though I was stuck in traffic and a little annoyed by the small things, it was alright. Sometimes you just get in a rut - you start to lose sight of what's important and constantly question yourself. I was there.

I hung out with my best friend in RL today. It was fun and I needed it. He's always there to make me laugh, even if it's at my expense. >_>
When I got home, I logged onto SL, fully expecting to log off ten minutes later after checking notices and offlines, but I stayed for a little while. I talked with a few neat people at The Winery (the place I blogged a few days ago - see, I told you it's a cool place!). It's unusual to find intelligent conversation much anymore so this was refreshing.
And guess what else? I splurged today - I went shopping. I'm so financially conscious and my friends get on me for it all the time, but today I felt like I could spend a little bit on some cute things. I bought two dresses and a pair of jeans. Nothing like new clothes to make a girl feel great :)

Now, I think I'll go shopping for myself in SL as well. Have a great evening, everyone. :)

Skin, Hair, Horns - see credits from previous posts - all the same.
Dress: PixelDolls - Boho Rose Blue
Shoes: [SC] Surf Couture - Snazzy Ruffle Flats
Hand prop/lantern thing & Fireworks in sky: /me (slash me poses) - "/me looks at fireworks" [from the Red Packet Hunt a while back]
Location: Neart (you can also find this place in my picks - it's really cool. It's a quiet beach, but you can surf! See the waves in the picture? Yep, surf's up dood)