Anyway! I haven't blogged in a bit, so I figured I'd try to come up with something today. Yesterday, Themi and I went zombie hunting. We found this pretty neat open RP sim that actually spawns zombies that you can shoot and kill. So of course, we donned our gear and headed out of the initial training area and started kicking some zombie arse. Hellz yeah.

I planned to write more about the adventure, but I don't feel like it. >_>
Oh, but I will say - Themi and I both rented slum apartments on the sim. They were so cheap and ridiculously glitchy, yet it seemed like we had to do it. I mean, how can you pass up owning this wonderful piece of erm...real estate.. (and yes, that is the link to my apartment, feel free to go visit. It's fully furnished and utterly disgusting. Have fun!)
After all the zombie killing was done, it was time for a horror movie night. First we watched The Haunting in Connecticut, which was really lame btw, and then 28 Days Later.
This morning I am back at the sim kicking zombie butt just for fun and I've set my Windlight to a creepier, somewhat post-apocalyptic setting for a cooler experience. If you have time, come check out the sim and maybe run around with me rambo-style.
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