Monday, May 10, 2010

.07? 08? 124? ..I forget

Yep, as you can see from the title, I'm too lazy to check my blogfront to see which post number I'm on. Oh well.

I've lost a bit of steam the past couple of days as far as blogging goes (not that I had much before).

I guess it's my turn to mention the hottest sim of the moment...yes, you know what I'm talking about...that's right - THE DECK! *rolls eyes and watches any potential readers she had run away screaming*
I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about it by now, but what's one more blurb on it? :) Basically, a bunch of designers were generous enough to set out gifts for the anniversary celebration at The Deck. I'm actually not sure if it's still going on past the weekend, so this is your warning not to run immediately over there and be disappointed >_>
I guess I'm somewhat of a hoarder in SL. I like trying out new products and getting the scoop on the latest gifts and freebs just like everyone else - so when I heard the extravaganza going on at The Deck, I tried multiple (try..a thousand) times to TP in. After gathering my SWAG and scurrying home to try everything on, I crashed. When I logged back in, I found that several of the folders of items were missing. Ah, Second Life, how I love your bugs.

Another crazy lag-fest was at the Dutch Touch sim for all the VIP Groupies. Group enrollment is 250L now, but for a short while it was free so you can imagine how many people ran to join, but that's beside the point. The very generous Iki Ikarus (go me, I gotta get in the habit of crediting designers by name) set out a version of her latest release, SiS, in all tones for her group.
I managed to snag a quick snapshot while at the shop because I thought it might make for an interesting blog topic later on if I felt like blogging. (I know what you're thinking, "that's not an interesting topic at all, Vero!" shush.)

And...I swear, it looked so much more crowded with all the name boxes above the avatars, but since the snapshot so nicely takes out the avatar names, it doesn't look all that intimidating, eh?
Ah well. I tried.

Anyway, I want to end this post by saying THANK YOU to all the gracious designers that put out gifts - we're not worthy! bahaha. No, but really, thanks designers. We know how hard you work on the items and we so dearly appreciate them. Remember folks, if you snag a freebie or gift that you happen to love, check out the rest of the creator's store - chances are you'll find something else you like even more!

Oh...and I guess I should really start blogging my "adventures" to different sims since my blog tagline is "daily ramblings of an SL wanderer" or something along those lines. I'll get to that, promise. But for now, it's time for me to crawl into bed and watch reruns of The Office while I play solitaire on my ipod (yes, this is my nightly ritual).